Reported by Mirjana:
Tell the faithful that I need their prayers, and prayers from all the people. It is necessary to pray as much as possible and do penance because very few people have been converted up until now There are many Christians who live like pagans. There are always so few, true believers. (C.49, cf. Bl 213).

To the priest who asked what they should do:
Carry out well your responsibility, and do what the Church asks you to do. (C52).

One day the Gospa reproached Jakov for his behavior at school towards his friends:
You must love them all.
“I love them all. But they are so annoying to me.”
Then accept it as a sacrifice, and offer it. (C.64).

A group of seminarians from Zagreb and Djakovo, attended an apparition.
Maria: “The Gospa looked at each one of us, and told us with a smile:”
Tell them, that with prayer, one obtains everything. (C.68).

The Blessed Virgin received a young nun with open arms, while she kept her hands joined before the others. Questioned by Mirjana, she said:
I will take with me very soon, all those to whom I extended my arms. (C.69).

To a nun who asked about her brother, who had died in an accident:
I understand the question, answered the Blessed Virgin. He died in the state of grace. He needs Masses and prayers. (C.70).

Asked by the seers why her choice had fallen upon them, the Blessed Virgin replied:
I do not choose the best. Are you angry with my choice, my angels? (C.75).

Mirjana reports to a religious, a close friend, this word from the Gospa:
The hour has come when the demon is authorized to act with all his force and power The present hour, is the hour of Satan. (C.99).
Many pretend to see Jesus and the Mother of God, and to understand their words, but they are, in fact, lying. It is a very grave sin, and it is necessary to pray very much for them. (C.123).
lam anxious for people to know what is happening in Medjugorje. Speak about it, so that all will be converted. (C. 134).

To Mirjana, who asks the Gospa on her insistence in saying, “It presses me to. . . :”
When you will be in Heaven, you will understand why I am so pressed. (C.214).

To the seers who ask regarding the apparitions and their purpose:
Is it, after all, that I bore you? Everything passes exactly according to God’s plan. Have patience, persevere in prayer and in penance. Everything happens in its own time. (C.215).

On the matter of a Catholic priest, confused because of the cure of an Orthodox child:
Tell this priest, tell everyone, that it is you who is divided on earth. The Muslims and the Orthodox, for the same reason as Catholics, are equal before my Son and me. You are all my children. Certainly, all religions are not equal, but all men are equal before God, as St. Paul says. It does not suffice to belong to the Catholic Church to be saved, but it is necessary to respect the commandments of God in following one’s conscience.
Those who are not Catholics, are no less creatures made in the image of God, and destined to rejoin someday, the House of the Father. Salvation is available to everyone, without exception. Only those who refuse God deliberately, are condemned. To him, who has been given little, little will be asked for. To whomever has been given much (to Catholics) , very much will be required. It is God alone, in His infinite justice, Who determines the degree of responsibility and pronounces judgment. (C 128).

On the subject of Christ:
I am His Mother, and I intercede for you, near to Him.(F2,134).

TUTTO (1985)
Let the faithful meditate each day on the life of Jesus, while praying the rosary. (T.43).
Every prayer, which comes from the heart, is agreeable to God. (T.58).
You do not celebrate the Eucharist, as you should. If you would know what grace, and what gifts you receive, you would prepare yourselves for it each day, for an hour at least. You should go to confession once a month. You should consecrate three days to reconciliation, each month: the first Friday of the month, followed by Saturday, and Sunday
The parish at Medjugorje had established an hour of adoration, before the Most Blessed Sacrament, the first Friday of the month. On the Saturday which followed, an hour of devotion before the cross, with prayers for sinners. And on Sunday, the Holy Mass was followed by a meal of reconciliation. (T.58).